
Argyle Vest with Sweatshirt for Child by David_Mtv at TSR

Clothing, Male Clothing: Argyle Vest with Sweatshirt for Child by David_Mtv – TSR.

Clothing, Male Clothing: Argyle Vest with Sweatshirt for Child by David_Mtv – TSR.

Available in 7 swatches for child only.
It was inspired in one of my male clothing.
All textures were taken of the argyle sweatshirt from base game.

Accessories, Jewelry: Trapped Pearls Earrings by AurumMusik – TSR.

Trapped Pearls Earrings by AurumMusik at TSR

Clothing, Female Clothing: Dress No.64 by ChordoftheRings – TSR.

Dress No.64 by ChordoftheRings at TSR