
RIDE ‘EM! a recolour by luridsims (sailorsenshims) by maxismatchccworld

RIDE 'EM! a recolour by luridsims (sailorsenshims) by maxismatchccworld

when i saw plumbella talking about the lack of obnoxious horse girl shirts in the new pack, i knew i had to do something about it. so here’s 17 swatches of ranch-themed shirts, with some gay shit thrown in.

featuring simlish slogans such as: y’all means all, just a girl who loves horses, save a horse ride a cow(boy/girl), cowboys for trans rights, this barbie is a cowgirl, sheriff of gaytown, and i put the ride in pride (and more!)

THIS SHIRT REQUIRES THE ORIGINAL MESH! you can download it from @aharris00britney [HERE] – it is the Zoë Top V1 which you can find in the item index listed on the download post.

Chanel Hair by aharris00britney

Chanel Hair by aharris00britney

Cupid Dress by trillyke

Cupid Dress by trillyke