
Accountant Career (Branches & Reward Traits) at Mod The Sims 4

Accountant Career (Branches & Reward Traits) at Mod The Sims 4

Accountant Career (Branches & Reward Traits) at Mod The Sims 4 Accountant Career (Branches & Reward Traits) at Mod The Sims 4

Mods / Traits: Accountant Career (Branches & Reward Traits) – Mod The Sims 4.

This is a rabbithole accounting career with two branches, Tax Accounting and Forensic Accounting. Completing either branch will result in a unique reward trait. Tax Accounting reaps more financial rewards, but Forensic Accounting helps your fellow man by bringing criminals to justice, so you have to choose your particular motivation for pursuing accounting in the first place.

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