
Mod – Housekeeping Service Event by KAWAIISTACIE

Housekeeping Service Event by KAWAIISTACIE

Housekeeping Service Event by KAWAIISTACIE Housekeeping Service Event by KAWAIISTACIE

  1. You can now hire or schedule a housekeeping service for your home.
  2. The service will send maids, repairmen, and gardeners to your house for six hours.
  3. They will begin working immediately unless there are no tasks for them to complete.
  4. You don’t have to let the event last six hours but the idea is to get your money’s worth because once they leave they’re gone.
Concert Job Event Mod by KAWAIISTACIE

Mod – Concert Job Event by KAWAIISTACIE

Googly Eyes earrings for kids by sugar owl at TSR

Googly Eyes earrings for kids by sugar owl at TSR